To be human is to be musical

How did we get to the place where we actually, fully believe that someone who sings in perfect Western scale pitch is ‘more musical’ than someone who sings (so called) out of tune?

Or that someone who’s had the privilege of receiving music lessons is more musical than one who hasn’t?

It’s SUCH a belief based on the modern Western World’s fixation on achievement and success over self actualisation, self expression and self empowerment.

To be human is to be musical.

Our limbic system is activated by melody, our motor cortex by sound, our body by vibration and frequency.

We sing lullabies to nurture our children, we listen to music to soothe our minds, we make music to express ourselves.

Our musicality is infinite and our voice is our fingerprint in sound. Our identity. We are all inherently musical beings, whether you sing at the super bowl or sing in the shower.

Please believe it, and teach your children. Because when we all believe in our musicality, when we stop comparing ourselves to others, when we use our music knowing its power, we thrive.


Using music to reduce anxiety


“The truth is that musicality is as given as fingers and toes”