A new framework for supporting meltdowns.


This is the thing: the meltdown is honestly the *least* significant part of the meltdown cycle.

It’s the part where you really can’t do much to help, it’s the very end point of a brain/body/nervous system build up.​

Actually, a meltdown means you’re about to meet the point at which you CAN support your kids (or yourself) and potentially change how the next meltdown cycle might look.

A meltdown is a language bigger than words, and what it translates to is this…

“I can’t go on like this”.

It’s quite simple really. It brings an opportunity, an invitation for change and deeper support.

But while we continue to demonise the meltdown as the problem, hate on it, dread it, talk about it with shame and fear etc. we can never truly meet that opportunity as deeply as we have the potential to.

Don’t get me wrong, I know how much they suck.

That feeling in the hours, days or weeks before they come, that horrible realisation of knowing you’ve been (or are about to be) intimate in front of others in a way that is far too personal to every really describe. The danger they can bring.

If you know, you know. And I will never minimise that pain.

My own meltdown cycle began to change when I started focusing on what I call ‘The Comfort Stage’, the stage of the cycle which comes directly after the meltdown.

I went from letting my inner voice say things like “you’re a terrible mum, imagine if people knew about this, you’ll never survive, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad…”

To “well done Alli, I’m proud of you, you are so strong, I love you, you are such a great mum, you are safe”.

But I will always advocate for shining a light on meltdowns. Because they honestly aren’t the problem.

This is when my relationship with meltdowns changed forever.

​​There is so much more to say, so much to understand. So I put it all to video…

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Alli xx​